I’m not ashamed to admit that I have an addiction. The feeling I get after a long fresh-air run is incomparable. Mind cleared, lungs cleared, pure relaxation…no matter how many thoughts are swirling through my head or how many commitments are looming, the world freezes for a short moment in time and I find my bliss. The first few months after I moved to Manhattan I made an effort to seek out the best, most scenic running paths in the city. Below are my recommendations for anyone in need of some runner’s therapy. 1. East River Park For those New…

In my research on early American theater I came across stories about an incredible woman, a true pioneer of stage and screen – Elsie Janis. Elsie Janis Bierbower was born in Columbus, Ohio, in 1889. She first took the stage at the tender age of 2, and quickly became a child star at the age of 8, billed as Little Elsie.  Three years later, she wowed audiences with her Broadway debut in the old Casino Theater Roof Garden, When We Were Forty-One, 1905. As a teenager, Elsie toured nationally in vaudeville, fascinating audiences with her comedic skills, imitating Sarah Bernhardt,…

In March, Sony released the DVD version of the Osca-nominated English version of “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.” While DVD artwork can be basic and bland, Sony took advantage of a non-traditional character (and recognizable in-house artwork) and designed the disc art to reflect the nature of the film. It wasn’t just a creative move, but it created a buzz of its own in what has proved to be a great marketing move. Using artwork similar to its Sony DVD recordable product, the design team at Sony Pictures Entertainment created disc art that maximized brand exposure while maintaining a…

I.love.lucite. Always have, always will. I come from a perfectly-organized home of little lucite holders and cubbies for q-tips and cotton balls, earrings and office supplies, a familial obsession that has obviously been passed down. I hate for things to clash, and lucite always goes. I’ve seen a lot of bad eighties lucite, but, lately, i’ve also seen a lot of really, really good lucite across multiple categories. Come along, and i’ll show you why it’s a clear choice. Ha ha ha. Iomoi does fabulous, preppy customized lucite trays. I’m not preppy by any stretch, but I love how these…

Wandering past Gramercy Park earlier this week, I was overwhelmed by the sudden emergence of nature’s first greens and golds. And peaches and pinks and creams and butters and lavenders. God, I miss the colors when they’re gone.  So springtime has returned to our city, and as a lifetime fan of Weather In Which It’s Appropriate To Wear Shorts, I welcome it back with wide-open windows. I’ve already started itching to trade in my heavy wools and dark denims for some soft, breezy cottons and 73’ degrees in the shade, and this year, for a new bloom of sartorial inspiration,…

category Near + Far

Today I am going to talk about the wonderful world of Youtube and independent music. I’ve recently become obsessed with a Canadian band called Walk Off The Earth. Without any help of a record label or booking agent, this band has managed to climb to the top. They have 410,737 Facebook fans and 26,177 people talking about them via social media. They are currently touring the country, including making stops at the Mercury Lounge in NYC. The band sings mostly covers, which normally I am not a fan of, but I love that they put their own spin on popular…

An early Spring in NYC brought all the beautiful blossoms out in the trees in one of my favorite hoods…Park Slope. Snapping away as I make my way to a Sunday brunch of fresh guacamole, made right at the table in a stone bowl… coupled with *several* bloody Mary’s that were hot and spicy and a flawless accessory to the meal …or maybe the meal was the accessory! Ha.  From there let’s travel to a private party hosted in Williamsburg for ridiculously yummy cupcakes… …stopping along the way to pick up the newest flavored Tic Tacs at the Duane Reade….

Timorous Beasties, the cool London wallpaper and textile brand known for their provocative and surreal designs, is one of my favorites. But, today I discovered another designer who is taking surreal to the max. Carnovsky, the Milan-based design duo, recently released their RGB wallpapers, which have overlapping scientific/gothic images that change to reveal different beasties and illustrations based on the color light splashed over them. Amazing!   By Gavin Strumpman

 Lisa’s Purple Problem Solver… Crocus Petal Purple #2071-40 This month’s color, chosen in honor of my favorite flower – the intrepid crocus– is a powerful one. The hue is cool and royal, fun and feminine, and a bold natural accent indoors and out. Speaking of accents, I’ve recently had to do a bit of redecorating, since someone in my household has a thing for careening into the coffee table, making side tables go crash, and causing general mayhem when it comes to my accent furniture. So we’ve gone soft in the Jasper household, swapping the aforementioned hazards in favor of…

A new blog feature, in pictures. Our resident man-about town, Steven Shewbrooks, shares his latest finds and faves: From the West Village to Park Slope, from hand-made prosciutto tortellini… …to a devilish meal of organic onion rings, organic fries, organic ostrich burger coupled with a glass of organic Malbec… I never tire of living and eating in NYC. From these neighborhoods, let’s travel to SoHo, where an insane Peanut Butter Jelly cookie… …is the perfect compliment to the spicy tuna sushi and quinoa salad I had for lunch.   And to top it off…a trip to Whole Foods to pick…