There’s an ancient proverb that goes something like, “things made in miniature are super cute.” Well, maybe I made that up…but I really do believe it.  Exhibit A: mini cupcakes from Crumbs . Only about an inch and a half tall, these delectable delights are big enough to give you a case of the “Mmm’s”…but small enough to be included in any diet.  Available in a variety of flavors, toppings, and creative designs (i.e. the Tony Hawk cupcake, which is topped with an edible skateboard), these desserts will make any occasion a reason to celebrate. And since my birthday is…

category Near + Far

I’m in a phase now where I spend most of my time at bridal showers, sipping mimosas and making paper plate hats covered in giftwrap and ribbons.  Since I usually hit the registry hard for engagement and wedding gifts, I like to get good friends something girly for their showers. Unfortunately, buying lacy unmentionables downtown on my lunch break has become nearly impossible. That is, unless you want mass-produced, pink leopard print Victoria’s Secret underthings, or a $300 charmeuse slip. Where to go for a discrete and delicate chemise, or a charming-but-brazen bralette and boyshort set that won’t break the…

Ever since my friend Josh began working directly above V+P’s offices, we’ve been having a little bit of a lunchtime competition. Josh thinks his favorite Vietnamese sandwich shop, tucked behind a cheesy cellphone and jewelry store in Chinatown, is better than mine, a casual affair a few blocks closer to home base. Recently, I gave in and made the trek to Josh’s culinary crush, Bánh mì Saigon Bakery, and I have to admit defeat once and for all. For those unfamiliar with Bánh mì, it’s a simple Vietnamese sandwich that has gained cult following in New York, thanks to its…

I’m no Miss Cleo, but I’m going to predict that up-and-coming fashion designer Alfonso Gaitain Vald’Es is going to be one famous guy. Mexican-born, Alfonso moved to the U.S. to study architecture, fine-tuning sketching skills that he would later apply to fashion renderings. He arrived in N.Y.C. a year and a half ago to study at the Fashion Institute of Technology, specializing in menswear design. In addition to stunning clothing designs, his drawing style is absolutely jaw-dropping. With the decidedly long, exaggerated arms and legs he gives to the models, he’s certainly created a signature style that speaks for itself…

When it comes to life’s more accessible luxuries, fresh flowers are at the top of my list. My favorite part of entertaining at home is going flower shopping the morning that I’m having people over. I always return with a spring in my step; arranging the blooms and setting them out around my apartment puts me in a hostessing mood, and motivates me to tackle the more mundane tasks on my to-do list (like vacuuming and dusting). Simply put, flowers make me (and others) happy, and instantly bring a space to life. Unfortunately, in New York City, flowers, like most…

I try to stay up-to-date on the latest products, particularly in the design world. They spark new ideas for the home, wardrobe and daily life. But recently, ABC News reported on a selection of consumer products that extend beyond the imagination (and reality) and are, at the very least, fascinating. We’re talking baby toupees and Snuggies for pets. Yes, these are actual products. Here’s a list of my favs: Handerpants If tighty whities weren’t, um, appealing enough as undergarments, why not bring them to the forefront of fashion as fingerless gloves? Yes, everyone should wear underwear on the outside. Baby…

category Near + Far

Being a list person (I’m also into flowcharts, but we’ll save that for anther blog post), I’m going to share with you my pre-flight checklist before a recent “wedding weekend getaway” in Texas: 1. Something old: my weekend bag from Gant. It sports a canvas body, leather trim, and is perfect for flying—big enough to accommodate my fear of not packing enough socks, but small enough to be considered carry-on. 2. Something new: I downloaded La Roux’s latest album for the trip. The UK duo’s genre is something of a new hybrid called “electropop,” and when I listen to it,…

Last weekend I narrowly escaped the monsoon that sacked New York City for a few sunny, spectacular days in New Orleans. While the damage wrought by Hurricane Katrina is still evident, the city’s unique, irrepressible spirit is as alive and well as ever (how ’bout those Saints!), pulsing through the bars, restaurants and general merriment of this one-of-a-kind town. Here, some scenes and recommendations from the Crescent City. My traveling companion and all-around partner-in-crime, Shelby, first suggested the Terrell House as our home base for the weekend–and as usual, she was right on the money. Originally built in 1857 and…

Call it the Luck O’ the Irish, or just my inherent affinity for Irish pubs, but St. Patty’s Day is one of my favorite holidays. So today I share with you the top five reasons to love St. Patrick’s Day AND my top five Irish watering holes in New York City. Why You Should Love St. Patrick’s Day too. 1. No Gifts: One of the few holidays that won’t stress you out standing in long lines to buy that sweater vest you know will be returned. 2. No Family Obligations: Finally, a holiday that doesn’t require you to hang with…

As spring draws nearer, and the weather allows for some much-needed outdoor recess, I’ve started making a list of things that I can’t wait to do. Among the top orders of business: playing beach volleyball, laying out in Central Park’s Sheep Meadow, and, with some help from Peanut Butter & Co., having a “peanut butter picnic” in Washington Square Park. With sandwiches ranging from The Fluffernutter® (freshly ground peanut butter and gobs of Marshmallow Fluff®) to The Elvis (peanut butter, bananas, honey, and bacon), Peanut Butter & Co. has become a Greenwich Village hotspot for those of us who love…