These Guys Love ‘Getting Carded’
By vpc
April 26th, 2010 |
Form + Function

There may be no business like show business, but for those of us who aren’t working in theatre: there’s no business like…the business card business.

Today’s creative minds are transforming the uninteresting white rectangle into innovative, 3-D, stand-out-from-the-crowd cards…and the very important first impression you make can literally be an illustration of your company’s operations. Take, for instance, this card for a yoga instructor, where your fingers complete the yogi’s stretch:


I’m also in love with this card for a handmade furniture company- it would also make a perfect addition to your childhood dollhouse:


On those doggone days when you can’t remember your favorite greyhound adoption program (I’m sure this is a frequent predicament)…remember to check your dog tags!


Are you strong enough to stretch this personal trainer’s card open?


Balloons are not just for birthday parties—they also remind us to keep our lungs healthy! Your chest physician’s information is only a few huffs and puffs away…


This card is not afraid of needles! Acupuncturists are pretty clever these days, as seen in this funny post-op business card:


For more examples of “not-so-business-as-usual,” visit Creative Bit’s blog post dedicated to this.
