I don’t know if I have mentioned it here before, but I have thing for chocolate. So, when i passed a little shop called The Best Chocolate Cake In The World on the way to dinner recently, i fell for it hook, line and sinker. I sat through my yummy meal at Balaboosta (highly recommended) thinking about how i was going to convince my fellow diners to skip dessert and head back over. Luckily, they acquiesced, and we were soon on our way to find out if the claims were true. Along the way, two members of our party dropped off, falling prey to that temptress, Rice to Riches.
Looks sweet, no?
This left just Drew and I. I am qualified as a chocolate cake judge because I say so. Drew, who’s a key member of the Momofuku organization, has crazy foodie cred, and I don’t think anyone who enables Christina Tosi to make crack pie and compost cookies every day can be disputed as a dessert expert.
We walked up to the counter and were given a choice- dark chocolate or milk chocolate? This presented, to our minds, a real dilemma: could they both be the world’s best? The surly girls at the counter would not even dignify the question with a response. To be safe, Drew got milk and i got dark, and $13 later, we were on our way to our respective homes with cute little cake boxes full of chocolatey promise.
Oh, the anticipation...
I have bad news for you guys. Not only was the dark chocolate version not close to the best in the world, the milk chocolate cake fared pretty poorly. I ate about 3 bites, and my husband, who will normally take on pretty much anything i leave over, couldn’t be bothered to finish the slice.
Small, dark and disappointing.
Everyone agreed that for a few dollars more, we could have gotten that giant chocolate layer cake from Costco, and we would have all been a lot happier.
Doesn't this look better?
You’ve been warned, but if you want to try it for yourself, you can find it at 55A Spring St ., New York, NY 10012 , between Lafayette and Mulberry.
I’ll see you at Costco…