The PR RV: Going on the Road!
By vpc
August 15th, 2013 |
Near + Far


Why would five sane, (or at least sane-seeming) New York public relations professionals trick out an RV and go on a road trip to Des Moines, Iowa? In August? The week BEFORE Labor Day?

Because, we feel strongly, that, in this digital age, the concept of connectivity has changed dramatically and we’ve lost the eye contact and face-to-face meetings that enable personal relationships to bud and blossom.

As relationships with key media contacts are the lifeblood of VP+C’s PR business and one of the most valuable assets we offer our clients, we decided to mix it up a little and, rather than email press kits or look books to our friends at Meredith Publications, to visit them and personally expose the editors to all that’s new and noteworthy from the brands we represent.

That’s how the PR RV was born.

We designed the RV to bring our clients’ products and the narratives behind them directly to the editors at Meredith (and a few others along the way) in an innovative way and break through the clutter of product news and pitches that they typically receive en masse.

The kick off is Monday, August 19 at 12 noon with a short stop curbside at FortyOne Madison @ 26th Street (a/k/a The New York Tabletop Market— another of our clients), so stay tuned as we begin our journey.

Follow us on the VP+C Blog or Facebook.

Check us out on Instagram + Twitter: @PR_RV  #PRRV
