Summer Lovin’ – Had Me a Blast
By vpc
July 6th, 2011 |
Near + Far

In “honor” of my 25th birthday—which is coming up in two weeks, mark your calendar—New York City recently opened up Pier 25, a fantastic park and playground in TriBeCa.


The family-friendly pier features a mini-golf course, water playground, and my favorite—three sand volleyball courts. The courts have been my Saturday go-to, as several of my friends and I have been gathering to bump, set, and hit, all while getting sweaty and sandy. It’s the “in” summer look, right?


The best part: the backdrop to all this summer fun includes the beautiful Hudson River, the Statue of Liberty, and downtown NYC—including the on-the-rise Freedom Tower. I love New York!

To learn more about the pier, visit
