Sleepless in the City
By vpc
April 25th, 2012 |
Near + Far

Today’s Guest Blogger is the one and only Nicole Haddad, Design Editor
of New York Spaces magazine.

Here’s what Nicole’s up to when she’s not scouting sensational finds fit to print:

New York is an epic playground for theater buffs, thrill seekers and those of us who love the titillation an elusive, somewhat underground production can provide. Although most shows are well publicized (a bit of an understatement), the mystery behind British theater company Punchdrunk’s “Sleep No More,” lies in their lack of need to advertise. The immersive production takes place in a labyrinthine Chelsea location dubbed  “The McKittrick Hotel.” Lasting approximately three hours, the David Lynch-like, and largely wordless performance, is based on Shakespeare’s “Macbeth,” though aspects of it recall Kubrick’s “Eye’s Wide Shut.” As an active audience member, you have the option to follow one of the characters, or journey off on your own to explore any of the many, many eerie rooms and corridors. Whichever route you choose to take, it will be a virtually solitary path. From the moment you step into Punchdrunk’s macabre version of Inverness Castle, you are separated from your companion, ordered to stay silent, and given a Venetian carvinval-style mask to wear the entire time—obscuring your identity in a sea of voiceless friends and strangers. Keeping in theme with the aura of suspense that pervades “Sleep No More,” I will leave the rest up to your imagination, and hopefully, to experience on your own.

The McKittrick Hotel is located at 530 West 27th Street, NYC 10001.