By vpc
December 9th, 2010 |
Scene + Heard


As the world is gearing up for the holidays, here at VP+C, each of us are plotting our schemes to win this year’s Holiday Bakeoff.   What’s a holiday season without at least five jolly pounds of belly baggage??

Christmas cookies and amazing food aside, there are so many things I love about the holidays:

Spending time with family, the cheerful atmosphere, the generous gift giving, white peppermint mochas at Starbucks, and last but not least, Santacon.

What is Santacon?

“Santacon is a non-denominational, non-commercial, non-political and nonsensical Santa Claus convention that occurs once a year for absolutely no reason.”

Everyone is encouraged to be creative and make a costume.
“You can be an elf, a holiday ninja, a Santasaurus, a Hannukah Harry or a Santa Palin. Use your imagination!”

This year’s NYC Santacon is this Saturday, December, 11th.  What attracts me to this event the most is that you won’t know where you’re going until you get there! The meeting place is posted on several websites the night before.  Visit or simply google Santacon NYC to get in on the details.

But remember:
Full holiday attire is MANDATORY.


Don’t forget to donate to the New York Food Bank!

Bring 2 non-perishable food items to drop off at the first stop.

Last year Santa donated over 1 ton of canned goods!

On that note, I leave you with some VP+C Santacon-style inspiration!


Michelle Signature