Red & Green, Part II
By vpc
December 5th, 2011 |
Near + Far

Continuing the fun of all that’s “red and green,” I’m happy to introduce the first Caniato Christmas Tree! The festive evergreen has added some holiday cheer to the living room, thus getting the Caniato Clan excited for gingerbread cookies, hanging the stockings and trying out some new recipes (I heard Martha Stewart has a new book–Ooh la la!)

Perfect for Rockin' Around

How does it feel to have my decorations up in time this year? One word: Hallelujah!

Helping me sing my praises are two choirs:



Quick note–I particularly love this second video, produced by the small Yupiz Eskimo village of Quinhagak, Alaska. It was actually a computer project intended for the other Yupiq villages of the area. Much to the villagers’ shock, over a half million people have viewed it. How cute is this?!