Peace In The World Starts With Sustainability And Communication
By vpc
September 28th, 2010 |
Clean + Green

Last week was marked by two seemingly unrelated, but similarly interesting and inspiring, events in our V+P and EQ (EventQuest) world.

The first was a visit to LaGrange, Georgia, headquarters of our new client InterfaceFLOR, one of the most progressive companies in the industry in respect to green issues and corporate culture.  You’ll be hearing much more about the company and the voices within it because theirs is a story that needs to be told much more widely!

Not only does InterfaceFLOR have some of the smartest designs in the carpeting world, but their entire design and manufacturing process is created with a mission of zero waste and zero carbon footprint. If every company would embrace this fusion of commerce with the imperative for sustainable practices we could begin to reverse the effects of global warming within the next 20 years.


Touring its Re-Entry 2.0 facility we saw where the company accepts used carpeting from all manufacturers and turns every component into useable new ingredients for new carpeting and for other industries.  For a Re-Entry facility in your area call 1.866.281.3567. And if your interest is piqued further visit

We arrived back in NY to find ourselves amidst the gridlock that comes with the UN in session and Clinton’s Global Initiative conference underway. Our small piece of that larger concept was to produce a press conference for WIRED magazine, which is acting as an advocate for the nomination of The Internet as the next winner of the Noble Peace prize. Visit


Or for more eye candy visit to see Jude Law talking about the initiative, and quite frankly, because it’s always nice to watch Jude Law.

As the globe is warming and our patience is lessening, it’s time to be real about the way we work, live and prioritize the steps in our lives on this earth.

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