Here are three things that have me convinced our country is in trouble.
1. You can no longer use the word “peacock.” Childrens’ books and kindergarten teachers and even Wikipedia are redirecting us to a more politically (and, it turns out, technically) correct term, the gender-neutral peafowl. Type peacock into Wiki and see what happens, friends.
2. Friendly’s new 2,300-calorie macaroni and cheese quesadilla kids meal. That is just unnecessary.
3. The decline of the handwritten letter. Particularly thank you notes. Maybe it’s because I’m the child of a calligrapher. Or maybe it’s because I love the thrill of opening my mailbox to find it full of something besides catalogs and credit card applications.
I have a theory that people would write more letters if they had stationery they love. I load up all the time so that thank you notes and “I’m sorry I forgot we had dinner plans” letters feel less painful. Here are some things I’ve been eyeing…
Rifle Paper Co. makes custom calling and note cards with a little illustration of the user. Narcissistic? Maybe. But also completely cute and charming.
The ultimate in customization.
Iomoi’s bright, splashy cards make a big impression. And the David Hicks-ian patterns and bold color combinations definitely stand out in a stack of mail.
They’re a little preppy,
and a little punk, too.
Not everything needs to be customized, either. I am crazy about these simple deckle-edged raspberry cards from french stationer G. Lalo.
Pretty in pink, but plain enough to keep out of cutesy territory.
I’m really a nice girl, but I love Set’s delightfully nasty, smug note cards and calling cards.
The perfect alternatives to business cards, when you DON'T want someone to call you.
One of the joys of sending unpleasant mail (I would imagine) is that the recipient can’t shoot a nasty text or email right back.
When "Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials" just won't do.
Set also has charming, informative note cards featuring poisonous plants, the signs of OCD, and assorted phobias, if you’re feeling more informative (or subtle.)
Finally, in this city, you never know when your next move will be, so I like to order stationery with the envelopes un-addressed. For an official-looking solution, I’m dying for one of Primele’s custom return address stamps, which could also be used on holiday cards, luggage tags, etc.
I wish I was Cheryl Baker.
But for now, I’m just