It’s no secret that i get excited about little objets d’art and glittery bits. So when i wandered off to see what there is to see around our new office, i was amazed- nay, obsessed- by DeVera, our neighbor two doors down.
De Vera sort of looks like a library, or salon.
The scene from the street is almost so fabulous it’s forbidding. The corner space is enclosed in paned glass windows, allowing glimpses of strange treasures inside. One can spy estate jewelry, unusual paintings, carved ivory, and snatches of rich fabrics from the street.
According to the company website:
“The two galleries show a finely curated selection including Venetian glass, Japanese lacquer, ivory carvings, 18th century religious figures and antique jewelry. Another unique focus is de Vera jewelry incorporating rare antique elements such as Roman intaglios and Georgian brooches, with precious gemstones including rose-cut diamonds, baroque pearls and Sardinian coral.”
And the inside delivers. The selection is jaw-droppingly special. This is THE place for a very important gift for a very picky person.I hope my husband is reading.
So get thee to De Vera, and while you’re there, stop by VP+C’s new digs at 13 Crosby Street!