New York Cares!
By vpc
June 13th, 2012 |

Lately, I have been looking for something fulfilling to do with my spare time. I find it easy to get wrapped up in the busy noise of the city, but it’s refreshing to just put everything on hold for a day and recap.

Recently I got involved with NY Cares, an amazing non-profit program that allows people to take on interesting volunteer opportunities. I attended an hour-long orientation where a quirky man told us all about the different regulations and benefits that come with the program.

How does it work? After you have attended the orientation you are free to sign up for tons of different projects whenever you have free time. Easy as can be! No pressure, no stress.

I found it different from other volunteer projects because they really offer you unique experiences. If you love kids, there are numerous opportunities to do creative and fun things with them– everything from teaching graphic design to leading field trips to yoga. If you love animals and have a place in your heart for the elderly, you can spend a few hours hanging out with dogs and cats and retirement home residents. If you adore being in nature, you can help work on community gardens.

Trust me: I get excited when I look at the list of opportunities to make a difference in New York. Last weekend I went to Union Square to do yoga with little kids. They were so sweet, and immediately accepted me by grabbing my hand and attaching themselves.

Check out There’s something for everyone!