Not many people know this, but when Oprah went off the air, the Harpo producers called me like crazy, asking if I would replace the megastar’s talk show with one of my own.
They said, “Give the people what they want! ‘The Josh Show!’”
Though I ultimately declined their offers of fame, fortune, and a cover spot on O! Magazine, I have been wondering lately what my first episode of The Josh Show would have looked like.
First, I would give away plates of chicken nachos to everyone in the audience. Earlier this week, Kelsey, Michelle and I visited VYNL, a hotspot in Hell’s Kitchen, to share this delectable dish. The VYNL version is piled high with cheese, sour cream, more cheese, and guacamole. I’m addicted!
Then, I would have a super famous music artist perform a few songs. Recently, when hitting up Burger & Barrel in Soho, music legend Bon Jovi took the table next to mine–he apparently likes to be seen in my company! I’d love to have my studio audience take a sip of some Bad Medicine.
Finally, to close the show with a bang, I’d have everyone whip out their smartphones and “like” a great cause. For the month of October, for every “like” to their respective Facebook pages, VP+C clients Mohawk and Karastan are donating $1 to Susan G. Komen for the Cure®. How great is that!
As my family has been touched by the effects of breast cancer, this effort means a lot to me personally, and I’m thankful that I can work with companies that support this very meaningful cause. Thanks, Mohawk and Karastan for your contributions to the fight against breast cancer.