Not many people know this, but when Oprah went off the air, the Harpo producers called me like crazy, asking if I would replace the megastar’s talk show with one of my own.
They said, “Give the people what they want! ‘The Josh Show!’”
Though I ultimately declined their offers of fame, fortune, and a cover spot on O! Magazine, I have been wondering lately what my first episode of The Josh Show would have looked like.
First, I would give away plates of chicken nachos to everyone in the audience. Earlier this week, Kelsey, Michelle and I visited VYNL, a hotspot in Hell’s Kitchen, to share this delectable dish. The VYNL version is piled high with cheese, sour cream, more cheese, and guacamole. I’m addicted!
Not the VYNL version, but doesn't this look good?
Then, I would have a super famous music artist perform a few songs. Recently, when hitting up Burger & Barrel in Soho, music legend Bon Jovi took the table next to mine–he apparently likes to be seen in my company! I’d love to have my studio audience take a sip of some Bad Medicine.
Finally, to close the show with a bang, I’d have everyone whip out their smartphones and “like” a great cause. For the month of October, for every “like” to their respective Facebook pages, VP+C clients Mohawk and Karastan are donating $1 to Susan G. Komen for the Cure®. How great is that!
As my family has been touched by the effects of breast cancer, this effort means a lot to me personally, and I’m thankful that I can work with companies that support this very meaningful cause. Thanks, Mohawk and Karastan for your contributions to the fight against breast cancer.