More Than ‘OK’
By vpc
June 16th, 2010 |
Scene + Heard

I love dancing. I also love YouTube, Facebook, and brightly colored hoodies that match brightly colored pants (who doesn’t?). You can imagine my excitement, then, when I saw OK Go’s new video for “End Love.” I really do think these guys are music video geniuses:

Side note: Nicole and Lisa don’t know it yet, but I’m voting we break out these dance moves at this year’s Masquerade Ball hosted by the New York Design Center—it’s at the end of October, but this sort of thing obviously needs planning ahead!

In addition to OK’s clever dance video, the group has launched a pretty cool social media contest. Starting this week, you are encouraged to upload the video onto your Facebook page. From there, encourage your friends to comment and “like” the video. Scoring is simple: the person with the most comments on the video (“likes” are .5 points each) wins a personalized, engraved iPad loaded with OK Go’s music and videos.

What a simple, but effective, way to circulate your music video!

Final thoughts: I wonder if I could get away with wearing a matching hot pink hoodie-and-sweatpants ensemble to work?
