Instant Attraction – Social Media in Focus
By vpc
April 4th, 2013 |
Event + Technology

Glory in this gorgeous day!

It’s no secret that I love Instagram. It’s a gorgeous, dreamy place that provides a much-needed break from our text-heavy world, and an artsy mom’s best tool for sharing snaps of her little one. Everything is beautiful on Instagram- and a little filtering goes a loooong way.

As PR people, we’re always trying to leverage the latest and greatest in social media for our clients, and sometimes the best advice comes right from our favorite publications. Always on the cutting edge, our friends at Metropolis (rabid Instagram users and dedicated social media mavens in their own right) participated in KI’s Social Media University webinar,  “InstaWham! The Power of Instagram in the Design Community”.

Marvel at this magnificent soap!

It’s worth watching now, whether your focus is interior design, architecture or any other area with a strong visual presence. Check out the full webinar here: InstaWHAM! The Power of Instagram  and check out the Metropolis blog for their report at Metropolis P/O/V.

Start snapping!