2010 Residential Interiors winner Ghislaine Vinas with past winners Danielle Bokor and Jamie Drake
This week, V+P saw the fabulously colorful results of two years’ work at the Benjamin Moore HUE Awards, an over-the-top event celebrating 2010 Recipients Diamond & Baratta, Ghislaine Vinas Interior Design, Envision Design, Your Color Source, Allen + Philp Architects/Interiors and Eikona Studios.
The editors of Good Housekeeping get a color strip corsage
Besides toasting the worthy winners, we took in the sights at The Museum of Arts and Design and restaurant Robert, dined on delicious hors d’oeuvres, and hobnobbed with the stylish, design-minded crowd.
Glamor girls Sonu Mathew and Evette Rios grab colorful goodie bags
The venue was gorgeous;
Robert was rockin', even before the party started.
The company was exceptional;
The darlings (and digital mavens) of decorating
and the entertainment was one-of-a-kind.
Guests watched artists work throughout the event
It was an amazing night- we can’t wait for the next one!
Hue are you? Nicole, Lisa, Esther and Josh
For more on the HUE Awards, visit www.benjaminmoore.com/hueawards