Heart Felt
By vpc
June 1st, 2012 |
Form + Function

Dear Diary,

I have a new crush. And this time, I think it/we could go all the way. I’m talking about real deal commitment jazz. I’m talking about L-O-V-E. I’m talking about…felt!

It wasn’t but a week or so ago that I fell for this come-hither cloth. In fact, until my eyes locked with pictures of products made from the soft non-woven wonder—Google images is my Match.com—it never ever crossed my mind, in all of my almost 30 years. But now, I’m a smitten kitten and I want, nay, must have helpings of furnishings and fashions in this fab fiber. Some that I’m lusting after include:

KAMKAM's “Dressed-up furniture series,” which combines familar fashion elements with furniture--buttons, straps...so cool!.

South African textile designer Ronel Jordaan's stone cushions. Awesome!

For when I'm feeling fancy, Pooka Queen's feathered headband.

If I manned up and got my ears pierced I'd be sporting these puppies by MOUFELT, Inc.

Oh and the list goes on and on…

Felt and I have much more learning to do about each other before we do the walk off into the sunset scenario. But, we’ll get there. It just feels so right!
