Fashionably Green
By vpc
December 2nd, 2010 |
Clean + Green

Green Apple

What I’ve always found particularly intriguing about fashion is that trends are constantly recycled.  In that vein, I have a very important announcement: PARACHUTE PANTS ARE BACK!

Juuust kidding! (Well, leg warmers made it for a while there, so who knows?!)

One trend that has captured the attention of just about every industry is the “Green” movement– raising awareness of our social responsibility to protect our planet.

That said, designers have turned to organic materials to decrease the use of pesticides, and created faux furs to avoid harassment by PETA.  Though these steps are great improvements for the environment, my belief is that if trends are recyclable, wouldn’t the “it” thing to do be to recycle your clothes?

Here are some ways I like to go green:

(1) Buy Vintage

Some great suggestions:

What Goes Around Comes Around

Amarcord Vintage Fashion

Screaming Mimis

Keep in mind that if a piece really speaks to you, there’s no such thing as the wrong size.  Take it to your trusty tailor, and as Tim Gunn would say, “Make it work!”

(2) Have a Clothing Swap

All you need is some music, mirrors, and a few groups of friends.  Each person brings those items that just sit in the back of the closet but know you’ll never wear, to exchange for something you like better! Make sure to donate the leftovers!

The internet is a beautiful thing, check out Swap Style for ways to swap online!

(3) Spray It

Last but not least, keep your eyes peeled for this interesting innovation: SPRAY ON CLOTHES!! They can be taken off, washed, and recycled!

Check it out!

Michelle Signature