Empire State of Mine
By vpc
June 14th, 2012 |

This month marks the fourth anniversary of my coming to NYC. In some respects, it seems like yesterday that I boarded the puddle-jumper in South Dakota with little more than a suitcase and a prayer. But for countless other reasons, I feel like I’ve been here forever.

Because of its glamour and its grime, I love this city. For every overpriced coffee or pull-your-hair-out subway delay, there are ten more visits to a world class theater production, opportunities to try a food you didn’t know existed, totally-ridiculous-but-totally-awesome performance artists in Union Square, and nights of dancing with your friends until you can’t stand any longer. Or until someone decides that the next round…will be a round of chicken nuggets from the nearest McDonald’s. Fake food gets me every time.

Anyway, I’m not alone in my love letter to New York. Photographer Cameron Michael recently shared his tribute to the Big Apple with a time-lapse video.

It’s stunning. Even more so than a certain fast food dollar menu.

The Manhattan Project HD1080P from Cameron Michael on Vimeo.