Do or Die
By vpc
March 22nd, 2012 |
Scene + Heard

As someone who is squeamish at the mere thought of a doctor drawing blood samples, I’ve been quite adventurous in my recent entertainment choices – AMC’s TV series The Walking Dead + the NYC Bodies Exhibition…I’ll get to the latter, later.

Before the hit series Mad Men was all the rave, AMC barely existed on my radar and now, the network is home to some of my favorite dramas. The Walking Dead, which is based on a comic series, follows a group of survivors post zombie apocalypse, taking everyone on a ride back to life without cell phones, computers and even electricity. Except now, they’re fighting to stay alive in a world that is populated with their flesh eating family and friends, which proves to be somewhat of an obstacle in maintaining basic humanitarian ethics. So, if you’re into dramas with a decent dose of thrill, this is the show for you. But really, zombies forged by fabulous prosthetic makeup – what’s not to love?

If that sexy sight doesn’t make you want to watch the show, I don’t know what will!

The recent conclusion of season two left me dying in anticipation for the next, which also took me to the NYC Bodies Exhibit in attempt to quench my Walking Dead addiction (it didn’t work). If you’ve never been, this exhibit uses preserved human cadavers of all ages to create displays which feature all of the body’s inner goods. Despite the fact that the bona fide bods were the initial draw, that aspect of the show shifted into the biggest turn off for me. Nevertheless, see my finds below – though remember, there was no makeup involved in these creepy creations.