Devils vs. Bruins vs. Nordics?
By vpc
April 12th, 2011 |
Near + Far

I’m continuing my quest to be an educated sports fan,  so this past Sunday I attended my first hockey game. It also happened to be the last game of the season for the New Jersey Devils.

After a little pre-game lunch at Scully’s, we headed into the NJ Prudential Center for some action. Check out some photos below!

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FYI: Devils colors are Red+Black, while the Boston Bruins rock Black+Yellow.


So, you must be wondering why the stadium was infested with BLUE?!  Not only were they wearing the wrong colors, they were chanting in a foreign language.  Eager to get to the bottom of this, my friends and I relocated ourselves into the sea of blue after the second quarter.  We finally figured out what they were screaming at this Devils vs. Bruins game (with a French accent): “Noor-dique Na-tion! clap, clap, clapclapclap.”

Apparently, these folks are from Canada. Since their team, the Nordic Nation, moved to the U.S. to play for Colorado in 1995, they have been traveling to the U.S. each year in groups of 1,000+ to attend 3 games each season to show their ongoing dedication.  A strange situation nonetheless, they were actually pretty friendly and rooted for our team along with their own.

The Devils won 3-2, yay!

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