The first gestural remote device we saw go mainstream was Wii, Nintendo’s revolutionary gaming system that broke the 4th wall of at-home entertainment. Of course there are other devices that paved the way (cut to passionate gamer forum) and lots of competitors vying for the top spot. Kinect, Xbox’s magical 3 camera, motion-sensing gaming system, soon followed and ditched the hand-held controller. Now Leap Motion is creating a system that works with your computer to fill the needs of 3-d modellers and designers everywhere. The upward facing unit uses 2 cameras to create a hemisphere of vision that reads small movements in all directions. However, there is a…

There’s been a lot of buzz recently about “The Internet of Things”, otherwise known as the increasing number of devices connected to, and represented within, a space on the internet. From smartphones to refrigerators, we are living increasingly plugged-in lives. By the year 2020 there will be approximately 50 billion objects that are connected to the internet. To put it in perspective, that means almost 7 objects per human being. So what does this mean for connectivity, globalization, energy consumption, and social behavior? Only time will tell, but for now, I think the silver lining is that people truly enjoy learning new things, expressing…

It’s no secret that I love Instagram. It’s a gorgeous, dreamy place that provides a much-needed break from our text-heavy world, and an artsy mom’s best tool for sharing snaps of her little one. Everything is beautiful on Instagram- and a little filtering goes a loooong way. As PR people, we’re always trying to leverage the latest and greatest in social media for our clients, and sometimes the best advice comes right from our favorite publications. Always on the cutting edge, our friends at Metropolis (rabid Instagram users and dedicated social media mavens in their own right) participated in KI’s…

It seems like the maker movement is having its moment. The New York Times recently reported a growing trend in 3D home printing and highlighted a few of the companies leading the charge. The movement started gaining traction in 2011 on Kickstarter, when donors pledged more than $830,000 towards a goal of only $25,000 to allow Brook Drumm to create the Printrbot, which he touted as “A desktop 3D printer you can build in a couple hours.” More recently MakerBot, the Brooklyn-based printer manufacturer, launched its Replicator 2 Desktop 3D Printer, claiming it’s “the easiest, fastest, and most affordable tool…

SXSW is as usual, getting huge play in the media this week. The conference and festival bills itself as offering “the unique convergence of original music, independent films, and emerging technologies. Fostering creative and professional growth alike, SXSW is the premier destination for discovery.” However, the story seems a bit different this year, and it sounds like maybe the gathering is losing a bit of its outsider cred as the big marketing brands move in. Digiday reported that brands including Pepsi, Oreo and Chevrolet had major presence this year, following American Express’ high profile Jay-Z concert last year, and the conference…

Today’s lead story on one of my favorite blogs, PSFK is about the coolest interactive technology idea. An app for both iPhone and Android that allowed the audience at Dan Deacon’s concert to create their own light shows without a Wi-Fi or internet connection. As they write: “Dan Deacon’s new app for iPhone and Android creates a communal experience at his shows by making the audience part of the music.” Take a look at the video: By Gavin Strumpman