Art is Everywhere
By vpc
March 8th, 2012 |

Anyone who lives in New York City experiences the highs and lows of the MTA. I had my lows this weekend, as the L train shut down again, between Brooklyn and Manhattan. Since I live right outside the L, I felt beyond frustrated when I had to look for other ways to leave Williamsburg. As annoying as the trains can be, there is a certain amount of creative atmosphere that I have always admired in public transportation. You can see different nationalities, professions, ages and personalities congregating in the same space, all sharing one way to travel. I have always thought it was a perfect place for an artist of any kind to observe and pull new ideas and stories.

When I finally found my way to an alternate subway, I couldn’t help but notice the interesting artwork that was displayed above the window. The painting depicted several unique looking characters riding the rails– everything from nuns to a couple kissing to children pouting beside their parents. Later in the day, when I was surfing around Vimeo ( searching for new and inspiring videos, I came across a video about the Sophie Blackall, the artist /illustrator whose painting so captured by attention

This is all part of the MTA’s  “Arts for Transit” program, in which artists design posters for subway cars. Blackall says that the painting depicts the New York residents she sees in the train each day. Click the video below to watch and hear more of her story.

to learn more about the artist, visit

and for more on the Arts for Transit program:

