Preparing to launch two new disparate and highly unconventional reality shows – “Freakshow,” about the underside of the Venice, California, boardwalk scene, and “Immortalized,” a competition show pitting traditional and rogue taxidermists against one another – cable network AMC came to VP+C with the challenge to create pre-broadcast excitement and buzz.
Staging a pop-up experience and lounge on Fifth Avenue in midtown Manhattan achieved valuable results and stirred the right amount of curiosity to yield advance publicity and direct viewers to the broadcasts. We created three separate environments within the pop-up: One featuring traditional taxidermy, one showcasing rogue taxidermy, and then the third peeling back the curtain on the freakshow world. By treating the massive store front windows to peep-show scale, we added to the mystique and intrigue. The drama compelled passersby to come in and explore.
We also designed and developed an app called Mount Me, which allowed users to insert their images into fantastical taxidermy mounts and share the resulting images on social media. In the first week, more than 10,000 fans were “mounted”. And, we layered in one other inventive concept that attracted media reporting and wowed the crowd – hosting a runway show for a leading fashion designer who paired his latest collection with whimsical taxidermy hats.
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